WriteSmarter Business Writing

Frequently Asked Questions


Are there fixed starting times or can I start when I'm ready?

A huge benefit is that these online classes are one to one, and therefore essentially self-paced. You decide when you are ready to join the e-class according to your work schedule. However, thereafter you will have to comply with the set deadlines, this is after all a business course and complying with deadlines is an integral part of the real business worldRest assured that we are not unreasonable and that sufficient time is allowed for you to finish the course and master the necessary skills. After all, your success is our success.


Any other benefits?  

Excellent business writing skills get the intended meaning across first time, thereby creating a great first impression. Additional benefits are reduced misunderstandings which result in satisfied employers, colleagues, business associates and clients. These are core skills that enhance your marketability and career prospects. 


What do I need to enrol?

You must have easy access to a computer, an email account and the internet. 


How much time will I have to spend on the course material?

Generally speaking, two to four hours per week should suffice, if you work with concentration and a sharp focus on the task.


How do I pay for the course and do you offer a payment plan? 

Apart from the discounted single payment option, we offer a choice of multiple payment plans to suit your budgetWhen you make an enquiry or enrol you will receive the payment plans and banking details.


What is your money back guarantee all about?

If, by the end of your course, you feel that the course was a waste of time, you can get all your money back. This is a measure of our confidence in our e-classes.


How is the course conducted?

All our communication is by email, making it easier for you to do the course at your convenience. Apart from studying the modules, you will complete a number of assignments and writing exercises which you will submit in an M/S Word format for personalized review. Detailed feedback using track changes and comment blocks is provided within seven days of submission of your assignment.


Can I do it from home?

The course is done online by email so it really doesn’t matter where you are. 


Will I have to print the course notes?

You will not be required to print anything for this course unless you want to keep paper copies.


Will this course help me with the format and presentation of different types of documents?

Our course will show you the correct format and essentials on how to prepare many diverse business documents. For example, we include specific details regarding Sales, Requests, Fundraising, Advice, Reference, Complaint, Apology and Reprimand letters.


How does a business letter differ from an email?

Business letters are more formal communications usually directed to a senior person about weighty issues with potentially serious ramifications. Emails are more commonly used for everyday communication between work colleagues and business contacts, and cover more routine issues. 


What is the formula for success?  

The desire to become an accomplished writer / communicator in whatever field you want to specialise in. Available time and commitment to complete all the modules with focus and concentration.